So I am a just a few days shy of being a
blogger for a whole month and I am truly loving it. I have never been a fan of writing and it was
always hard for me to put my thoughts down.
I never kept a diary or a journal; but I had many attempts though. Even teaching writing to my students I
struggle to come up with Small Moment Stories to model for them. Then to see my students struggle with writing
as well is also difficult. However, for
some reason words just flow when writing about some random topic. My favorite thing about the blog is the
comments I receive both on the blog and in person. When the ladies at work tell me in the staff
lounge about just waiting to take showers when I have babies. Or text messages about the silly pictures I post
of ballerinas mooning you. Or the
comments I get from complete strangers that can relate to me. Those things give me the warm and fuzzies.
Now for the dark side of this post...
My intentions of becoming a blogger never were
to have a million followers, but I did want to host giveaways, and give my
friends an opportunity to get some cool stuff.
So with giveaways I need to build my numbers of followers, readers, page
hits, likes, pinners, etc. Well I do not
know how fast blogs grow but I am thinking mine is at a snails pace. Again I do not care about my numbers I just
want to write what is light hearted (most of the time) and have fun. I want my readers to enjoy and not think
about the drains of their day when reading my posts. I believe I should have pictures because who
doesn’t like to look at a visual when reading (it’s the kid in me). So I see
every blogger out there has sponsors and advertisements...well I want my blog
to have those too! I feel every blog
should be treated equally, right? So I
look up how to get advertisers and I see you can do it through your “earnings”
link. Well I kept seeing the “earnings” link
on the side of my dashboard.

Well what’s this? Lets check it I do
and I fill out all of the information and start to get excited. And I wait and
wait (they told me it could be up to a week before I get a response). Then boom my email alerts me I have a
something new in my inbox!!! Could it be? Could it be the wonderful news that
Google Ad Sense loves my blog like I do and they want to start bombarding it
with advertisements!?! Well I open it up
and this is what I read...

Well totally deflated. A little sad, a little hurt. Not accepted into their program. What? Why? Is there something wrong? Have I put something up that is
inappropriate? Was my shower post a
little to forward thinking? I mean I
swear sometimes but I am no sailor. Am I
just not cool enough? Do I not have the
right numbers? What could it be? So when Smalls gets home from work I tell him
my bad news and he tells me to not worry about it. I have only been blogging for a month and I
am doing fine. I shake my head and trust
in his words and push on. I am not going
to let that silly email get me or my blog down.
I am not going to let those numbers get to me...and I am just going to
write from my heart and my head, sometimes.
So please keep the comments coming and I don’t
care if they are posted on the blog, sent by text, or said in person. Hell, send them by snail mail. Thanks for reading my first downer of
Blogland; hopefully it’s the last. Hope
you are having a great weekend.